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Featuring ANGEL MOON The World’s most Scientifically Sound, Therapeutic, Functional, Hygienic, Truly Organic Sanitary Napkins and Liners

Ladies Ladies, Do you want to start experiencing your HEALTHIEST cycles? YES!!

Well, You’re at the right place!

Here’s The
The RevolutioN!!


Before the Solution, understand where the problems began. W.H.O report: 83% of women will experience some form of Gynecological diseases, 62 of the 83% are due to the use of POORLY made Sanitary Pads, Liners Tampons etc

Imagine days, months, year of Absorption and Accumulation of this group 1 known human Carcinogen (Cancer causing),coupled with the toxicity of recycled plastics, paper in contact with the tender part of your genitals. Do you now see why all these struggles are so real?


So,After years of research, Our Smart Lab Medical Physiologists,Bio Chemistry Science and Health Innovations have IDENTIFIED the Functional Clusters surrounding women’s Gynecological Health. By Adopting SmartCore Technology, they invented the Most Advanced, Scientifically Sound, Therapeutic, Functional, Hygienic, Truly Organic Sanitary Pads and Liners call ANGEL MOON to help solve these Gynecological challenges for you, your daughters, friends, and family, even MENOPAUSAL WOMEN, they need help too.

DURING menstruation


  • Stop or greatly reduce Menstrual Cramps (Yahoo)

Prob: When pressure is exerted while (sitting,sleeping), Preventing Reverse Osmosis or Backflow of endometrial tissues, vaginal secretions and cervical mucus contained in period blood is capital during Menstruation.

Answer: With over 2000 vents on the surface layer and sterilization/eradication of bad bacteria by the Functional Core Strip. Absorption in a Bacteria free, oxygenated, mildly Alkaline environment within 8 seconds by the Super Absorbent Core with no side leakage allow for dry and comfortable cycles. Amen

3.Regulate and shorten your cycles (Less Pads needed/used)

PROBLEM: loosing too much Red Blood Cells than your body can make reduces your Iron count.Your body will have to work harder to make Hemoglobin to carry Oxygen throughout the body. This leads to your WEAKENED state which eventually can lead to Anemia.

ANSWER: Negative Ions purify the Blood by increasing the Oxygen capacity of Red Blood Cells. High concentration of oxygen atoms (Anions/Negative Ions) in the Functional Core Strip allows for Dispersion of Red Blood Cells, instead of clumping together and forming blood clots. While Far InFraRed Therapy and MAGNETISM improves vessel dilation, circulation and vessel endothelial functions.

4. Balance your Hormones (Great for all women, PCOS) This is rather important as it will help you now and have positive implications later in life (Menopause).

5.Balance your body’s pH levels. (The Vagina’s pH acidic…3.8-5.0…Imbalance of the pH can increase the risk of infections, including BV-Bacterial Vaginosis, discharge after Menstruation. Itching or burning around the vagina.

6. Strengthen the Immune System

7.Protect you from developing Cancer ETC


I absolutely love the Angel pads. Since switching over to this brand, I only have to change my pad twice a day and it alleviates the achy feeling in my vaginal area during that time of the month. This pad is a game changer not only for leak protection but also for period symptoms.

I usually cramp a week before I come on my period, but using Angel Moon, I didn't have any and didn't notice at first that I was spotting. So, yes! The pads work great for me!

I have been using Angel moon pads for one year and a half. I used to suffer monthly with severe cramping and bleeding during my menstrual cycle. But after using the pads for six months, I barely notice any cramping and my bleeding had been reduced significantly. In addition, several of my fibroids are smaller in size compared to previous ultrasounds. You will not regret switching to Angel pads and panty liners.

Before using Angel Moon Pads, my cycles were moderate, but I did have cramping before and during my cycle. Some months were worse than others. I would have to change my bad 4 to 5 times a day so that there was no leaking. Now that I have been using Angel Moon Pads for 2 months I see a difference already. I do not get cramps before or during my cycle anymore. I do feel my cycle has lightened up a little bit because now I only change 1-2 times a day. The absorbency is amazing. It leaves you feeling dry all day.

They were great they reduced my period from 7 days to 3 days I have always struggled with bad menstrual cramps and I had little to none working with this product I have also noticed I have a better mood now that I have stopped using tampons. I have no choice but to think it’s the pads making a positive outcome to my prior struggles with my menstrual cycle.

Taylor (14)
I am 15 years old and i have been using this product for three years. I am extremely active with activities such as rowing and swim. For the first 1-2 years of beginning my periods it lasted five or 6 days and I frequently used ibuprofen for cramps. Then I switched to Angel Moon. Currently my periods last no more than two days and my activities are not interrupted at all. My cycle is shorter and i feel better overall. If I don’t see my periods i don’t get nervous. Angel Moon pads have really helped me feel a-lot less worried every month.

Kennedy (18)
Im an 18 year old freshman in college that has been
using Angel Moon for about three years. I use to use super overnight extra long pads because my flow was really heavy and they just made me feel more protected. Then I switched to Angel Moon. I was skeptical at first because they were really thin; however, I was surprised as to how absorbent they were. Over time, i’ve went from using heavy flow to light. This product has really made a difference in how I look in my clothes and how I feel throughout the day and into the night.

My Recommendations/Tips

1. If you experience Heavy Cycles, use more of the NIGHT PADS until your cycle is regulated. After that, use accordingly.

2.If you experience excessive bleeding during the first few uses of Angel Moon Pads, fear not. It’s working to clean out backflow Blood and Blood Clots. It will Subside.

These 2 tips can be used in between cycles. PS #4 can be used anytime.

3. Get the Pantyliners. Why? You’ll absorb all the Therapeutic Functionalities between your cycle. You’ll experience great things as you see the changes in your cycles.

4. The Core (GREEN) Strip can be removed and put into your water. 1 per day. This is another way of absorbing the Therapeutic Functionalies. Excellent tip

5. For Fibroids: Follow tip #4 Also, use the liners or pads between your cycles and don’t forget to wet the functional Core Strip.

6. The Pads and Liners can be worn on many parts of the body ( shoes, Bras, etc) and for Arthritis pain.

7. Put a little extra pressing down and smoothing out of the Pads and Liners.It’s a vegetable base adhesive, not construction adhesive.

Partnering/Distributorship available. email clintportfolio@yahoo.com or text/call 202-567-1190 & ask for Clint


7-14 years

Ladies Ladies, Don’t you want to FLOURISH during your Menopausal Stages? YES!!

WELL,Hormonal Balance is the Key

( Estrogen and Progesterone)

When Estrogen and Progesterone (Hormones created in the Ovaries/Endocrine System) decreases, it causes Metabolic Dysfunction, then Pro Inflammatory Diseases go up.


Exposure, absorption and accumulation of Dioxin and Furans (present in poorly made Pads, Liners, Tampons etc) used during Menstruation dissolves into Tissues and Organs like the Breast, Ovaries etc. This persistent chemical

(Dioxin) is an Endocrine/Hormone Disruptor and a group 1 known human Carcinogen ( Cancer causing ), can take 10-15 years to breakdown after first absorption and cause Metabolic Dysfunction.

The Therapy is in these 4 functional elements


1. Balance the HORMONES and pH Levels (Key purpose) Because of this balancing:

A. The Hypothalamus help to control your body temperature. Bye to Hot Flashes.
B. The Estrogen will produce the natural lubricant to keep the Vagina moist and healthy ( bye to artificial Lubricant,Vaginal Dryness and Vaginal Atrophy)
C. Sexual arousal by increasing Blood flow to the Vagina and raising body temperature will keep your Libido going.

2. Strengthen the functions of Autonomic nerves, reinforces skin collagen, improve permeability of the Cells prototype Plasma membranes, improves Metabolism and strengthen the Immune system

3. Speed up Oxidation of SERATONIN in the Blood, by producing BioChemical reactions to enhance your MOOD ( mood swings ), PAIN RELIEF and SEXUAL DRIVE (libido)

4. Help to REGULATE the Calcium Ions Blood serum towards the optimum level of 4 mg per 100cc ( good for BONES).

5. Reduce Acidity in the Body.

6. Reduces pain associated with all types of Arthritis

7. Activate and Stimulate the Bio-Magnetic fields to promote local and micro blood circulation and discharge of Toxins.

8. Increase the levels of Calcium and Sodium in the Bloodstream to help restore a Healthy (slightly alkaline) pH balance in the Blood, etc.


So you can Relish these Golden Years in your Feminine Health

Hey Clint! How are you? Just wanted to give you further input. Since I've been using the strips, still have not been experiencing night sweats! Yay! Every now and then, maybe a flash, but very few and far in between.

Hi Clint. I just wanted to give you a report. Today is 6 days out from using the strips in my water every day. I do notice that I'm not having the night sweats like I was. Before I was having an episode every night. Stay tuned for other reports.

Hi Clint. I've been so bogged down with school that I have taken time for me. Wanted to see if I can still get an appt. I also need more liners. I have not had ANY hot flashes or night sweat AT ALL!!!

Menopause is not friendly when it comes to women's libido. After using the pads, I began to experience sensational, intimate moments with my partner. Must I say more?

Menopause is not about that life!!

In August of 2014, I was forced to have hysterectomy surgery due to becoming critically diagnose with having fibroids and anemia. For years, I tried everything the doctors recommended and natural remedies! Nothing work!

I was in menopause full throttle like driving a car in the fast in furious! Again, I’d tried it all! Black Cohash, Vitamin Shoppe AM/PM, White Pepper, a patch, you name it! One day while talking with Clint McPherson about my situation, he recommended the Angel Moon pads and that he wanted to help women. Clint kept pushing this pad and I tried one just for the sake of it. Then I tried another one and another one…

I’ve said all of the above to say this, this Angel Moon Pad is the only product that has stopped the hot flashes. Of course, if I eat certain foods or drink certain beverages a rage will try it’s hand at a flash but, the pads really work to help keep all of that in check.

My name is Kim Cassell and I stand by this Angel Moon!

“When I was first informed about the Angel Moon line and its many benefits, I was a little skeptical. However, from day one following the first application, I could not have been more ecstatic about this remarkable product! I felt terrific, had no more night sweats and most of my menopause issues were gone! I became a regular user and am now in need of more supplies!

Tips and Recommendations

1. Some women fit better with the Liners while the Pads work better for some. Whatever works best for you, don’t forget to damp the Core Strip. This releases the Therapeutic Functionalities to be absorbed into your skin and blood. You can re-activate during the day by damping with water.

2. You can wear it in your shoes, underwear or whatever you are experiencing Arthritis pain.

3. Take out the Core Strip and put in your water jug and drink. 1 per day.

4. You can double up on the Core Strip for more intense Therapy.

Partnering and distributorship available. email me at clintportfolio@yahoo.com

text or call 202-567-1190 & ask for Clint

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Contact us.

Please Text: 202-567-1190
Email: clintportfolio@yahoo.com
Email: clintportfolio@gmail.com