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7-14 years

Ladies Ladies, Don’t you want to FLOURISH during your Menopausal Stages? YES!!

WELL,Hormonal Balance is the Key

( Estrogen and Progesterone)

When Estrogen and Progesterone (Hormones created in the Ovaries/Endocrine System) decreases, it causes Metabolic Dysfunction, then Pro Inflammatory Diseases go up.


Exposure, absorption and accumulation of Dioxin and Furans (present in poorly made Pads, Liners, Tampons etc) used during Menstruation dissolves into Tissues and Organs like the Breast, Ovaries etc. This persistent chemical

(Dioxin) is an Endocrine/Hormone Disruptor and a group 1 known human Carcinogen ( Cancer causing ), can take 10-15 years to breakdown after first absorption and cause Metabolic Dysfunction.

The Therapy is in these 4 functional elements


1. Balance the HORMONES and pH Levels (Key purpose) Because of this balancing:

A. The Hypothalamus help to control your body temperature. Bye to Hot Flashes.
B. The Estrogen will produce the natural lubricant to keep the Vagina moist and healthy ( bye to artificial Lubricant,Vaginal Dryness and Vaginal Atrophy)
C. Sexual arousal by increasing Blood flow to the Vagina and raising body temperature will keep your Libido going.

2. Strengthen the functions of Autonomic nerves, reinforces skin collagen, improve permeability of the Cells prototype Plasma membranes, improves Metabolism and strengthen the Immune system

3. Speed up Oxidation of SERATONIN in the Blood, by producing BioChemical reactions to enhance your MOOD ( mood swings ), PAIN RELIEF and SEXUAL DRIVE (libido)

4. Help to REGULATE the Calcium Ions Blood serum towards the optimum level of 4 mg per 100cc ( good for BONES).

5. Reduce Acidity in the Body.

6. Reduces pain associated with all types of Arthritis

7. Activate and Stimulate the Bio-Magnetic fields to promote local and micro blood circulation and discharge of Toxins.

8. Increase the levels of Calcium and Sodium in the Bloodstream to help restore a Healthy (slightly alkaline) pH balance in the Blood, etc.

Tips and Recommendations

1. Some women fit better with the Liners while the Pads work better for some. Whatever works best for you, don’t forget to damp the Core Strip. This releases the Therapeutic Functionalities to be absorbed into your skin and blood. You can re-activate during the day by damping with water.

2. You can wear it in your shoes, underwear or whatever you are experiencing Arthritis pain.

3. Take out the Core Strip and put in your water jug and drink. 1 per day.

4. You can double up on the Core Strip for more intense Therapy.